The 15th National Health Assembly (NHA 15) was held from 20 to 21 December 2022 under the theme “Health Equity: Opportunity and Hope of Thailand”. NXPO was tasked to lead the discussion on “eradication of poverty by developing households’ economy system under the BCG model”, one of the topics addressed at this year’s assembly. Prior to the NHA 15, NXPO had organized a series of brainstorming sessions and public hearings with stakeholders, reaching a consensus to propose the poverty eradication with the BCG model to be the national agenda.

A declaration of intent was made at the NHA 15 to apply the BCG model for grassroots economy development, disparity reduction and poverty eradication, culminating to the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). Mr. Chanchao Chaiyanukij, NHA 15 Organizing Committee Chairman said that this declaration represents a stakeholder-wide commitment to employ the BCG model to alleviate poverty by applying knowledge, innovation as well as natural and cultural capitals to support the grassroots economy.

NXPO Vice President Dr. Kanchana Wanichkorn revealed that poverty eradication with the BCG model is a public policy intending to bring together all sectors – the government, industry, people, and academia – to engage in poverty eradication by proposing approaches, structures, mechanisms and issues specific to each area to be implemented under the BCG model that focuses on applying knowledge, innovation and technology along with natural, wisdom and cultural capitals to develop the local economy.

The policy framework consists of four areas: 1) Thai People Map and Analytics Platform, 2) BCG area-based development, 3) BCG skill development, and 4) Organizational reform and enabling mechanism. Focus will be placed on inclusive participation and public empowerment to build a healthy society and social equality, resulting in poverty eradication and sustainable development.